How to Communicate With a Multilingual Workforce

In our connected world, it is increasingly common for businesses to employ a multilingual global workforce. Here’s how to best communicate with your team.

Communication is key to keeping teams motivated, to create a sense of belonging through a shared mission. Communication, including shared language, can go a long way toward increasing productivity and increasing employee engagement. Wondering how to connect your teams across locations and cultures? Keep reading.

Define Your Goals & Mission

Without an understandable mission and goals, communicating with your team effectively will be next to impossible with multiple languages. Make these clearly available and professionally translated. Additionally, different areas of the globe consume content differently. Some may prefer email. Others a printed poster. Make sure you consult with professionals who not only understand language, but can also advise on cultural nuances.

Know Your Audience

Speaking of culture. This is a great time to familiarize yourself with the culture of each of your foreign offices in your global workforce, and to be sure to respect the cultural differences. For example, not everyone celebrates the same holidays at the same time. It would not be wise to send a generic “Merry Christmas” greeting to company offices located in non-Christian countries. Be sure to send holiday appropriate cards to overseas employees for Chinese New Year, Rosh Hashanah, and Ramadan just to name a few.

Be Mobile

More people view content on their phones and tablets than on desktop computers. With that, corporate communications should be designed to work optimally on mobile devices – especially if your organization employs remote workers or those that travel often on business. Translate the content but also ensure that the overall experience is what you intended (transcreation).

Speak their Language

Work with a language service company like Metaphrasis to ensure that your employees in all offices understand your communications, especially critical communication like updates to the employee handbook. Translating important employee communications is legally required in many countries. A good language partner can also help assess the appropriateness of the text, images and colors for different countries to make your messaging more effective.

Culturally appropriate content in your employees’ local languages ensure compliance with local language laws and makes everyone feel valued and included.

Ready to communicate the right way with your global workforce with professional language and translation services? Let’s Get in Touch!